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Moolavar (33.24K)

The Lord in this temple bears the charama slOkam in His right hand palm as "maam Ekam charanam vraja" and offers abayahastham. Hence this is also known as the "paripooraNa chranaagathi" offering kshethram.
Since He appeared prior to Lord Venkatachalapthy, He is considered elder to Lord Venkatachalpathy and all praarthanais that are meant for Lord Venkatachalapathy are accepted by this Lord on His behalf.
This is the only temple or place in this booLogam that LordVishnu is appearing in his ninra kOlam (He is more than seven feet tall) as similar to Srivaikundam and also in the same mode as sudhdha saththuvam (no other temple has this mode) and hence this is consideed as the Sri Vaikundam of Lord Vishnu, known as ThiruvinNagaram.
Boomdevi Thayyar is also in the same sannidhi. MaarkandEyaa also appears in front of the Lord as the Lord in in thiruk kalyaaNa kOlam. People having difficulty in getting married do praaththanai to this Lord for offering "Kalyaana ursavam".
This Lord also has a unique supra paatham offered to Him.

Sri BhoomiDevi Thayar (83.86K)

There is no separate shrine for Boomidevi in this temple. She is seated before the Moolavar in the sanctum sanctorum.

Sri Oppilliappan (Uthsavar) (82.01K)

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Last modified on Thursday, February 1, 2001